15 Oct 2023

Crochet Christmas Bell Ornament as Key holder

 This cute little Christmas bells can be used as an ornament to decorate your Christmas trees, and later these can be used as a key cover/ key chains / key holders.

Materials Required

Cotton 4 ply yarn

crochet hook - 3mm

stitch markers

small bead

A pair of scissors

However, you can use any yarn of your choice and its suitable hook size.

Abbreviations Used

CH- chain

SC- Single Crochet

DC- Double Crochet

Inc- increase: two stitches in same stitch

SS- Slip stitch

Sk- Skip the next stitch

Fo- Fasten off



Begin with slip knot,

ch-4 and make a SS into first chain to form a ring.

R-1: ch-1, 8 SC (8)

R-2: SC Inc*8 (16)

R-3: (1 SC, Inc) *8 (24)

R-4 to R-14: 1 SC EACH (24)

R-15: (2 SC, Inc )*8 (32)

R-16: 1 SC EACH (32)

R-17: (1SC,Sk 1, (5 DC), Sk 1) *8

FO and weave in the ends


CH-6, SS into first stitch to form a ring. Now, ch-12 and insert a bead into the chain.

chain-2. skip 2 chains behind the bead which makes the bead be at the center of the chain, SS into the 6th chain from hook. Continue to make slip stitches throughout the chain until you reach the beginning ch-6 ring.

FO and weave in the tail ends.


Take the Bell and Insert the crochet needle through the center of the bell underneath, Now grab the key ring to the hook and pull it into the bell.

Now attach the key ring to your keys and

there you go.

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